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Universal Testing Machine - UTM / Tensile Tester / Flexural Testing / Compression Tester Manufacturer

Universal Testing Machine - UTM (servo & Vector Model) Tensile Tester / Flexural Teststing / Compression Tester

Computerized Twin screw Universal Testing Machine to determine properties of Tensile & Elongation as per ASTM D 638 & ISO 527, Compression as per ASTM D 695 & Flexural (three point bending), as per ASTM D 790 with auto stop, auto reverse facility & direct display of result through 32 bit micro controller having 4 lines and 20 character display. Suitable for checking all types of polymers, compounds, composite materials, fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) and polymeric materials.

Universal Testing Machine
Universal Testing Machine

Types of gripers for Universal Testing Machine

Universal Testing Machine (BOTH OPTIONS SERVO & VFD)


Load capacity : Various different capacities can be offered up to 5000 kg.*
No. of load cell : Optional One or Two.
Cross Travel : up to 1000 mm
• Facility of full scale elongation as well as Extensometer gauge length elongation (OPTIONAL)
Horizontal day light : 450mm
Speed: Variable between 0.5mm/minute to 800mm/minute depending on model.
Paint: Powder coated.
Power : 230 Volts, 50Hz, single phase.

* Equipment with other capacities could also be supplied as per the requirement.

All results such as Peak load, Elongation at Peak load, Break load, Elongation at break load, % elongation at Peak, % elongation at Break, Tensile strength at Peak, Tensile strength at Break, Flexural stress, Compression Strength, Secant Modulus, Tangent Modulus & Flexural Modulus are directly displayedn Microcontroller as well as through PC software

Unique Features

• Highly accurate position control with high range of speed

• Accurate start and stop instantly using 32 bit microcontroller

• Four line and 20 characters controller with multiple features

• Automatic calculation of modulus @different strains selectable

• Multi unit display in Kg, pound, Newton mm, cm, inch selectable

• Direct display on controller and numeric printout facility

• Safety norms of over load in auto as well as manual mode

• Data lock for calibration and master controlled parameters

• Safety norms of over travel in auto mode.

• Tests preprogramming facility for Tensile, Flexural, Peel, Bond, Compression, Cyclic endurance based on load, travel, time