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Manufacturers and Suppliers of Charpy Impact Tester / Izod Impact Tester

Humidity Chamber Manufacturers and Suppliers

Humidity Chamber

To determine the effect of relative humidity on sample at various temperatures.
Computerised Humidity chamber to determine the effect of relative humidity on sample at various temperatures.

Manufacturers of Humidity Chamber


Size of the working chamber : 18 inch X 18 inch x 24 inch*
Material of construction : Inner bath : S.S / Outer body : M.S
Humidity range : 20% RH to 95% RH.
Temperature range : 10ºC to 85ºC
Compressor : CFC free.
Direct display and printout through microcontroller : Set RH, Actual RH, Set temperature and Actual temperature.
Graphic display and printout through PC: In addition to the above values, % RH and Temperature Vs Time graph could be obtained by attaching a printer to the PC.
Paint : Powder coated.
Power : 230 Volts, 50 Hz, Single phase.